
Radio Services

Country is still the predominant radio music format in the United States, with over 2000 radio stations programming Country music. Of these, less than 150 are represented on Airplay Monitor and Radio and Records charts. While it is vital to promote music within these top 100 markets, it is also important and tremendously beneficial to the development of an artist to look beyond the scope of the largest population centers, where Country Radio stations often have smaller audiences relative to other formats. Marco Promotions specializes in soliciting airplay in secondary markets throughout the United States; in suburban and rural markets where Country Music and country lifestyle are still prevalent.


In this period of consolidation, when radio has become more centrally controlled, and the influence of airplay consultants has further limited opportunity for exposure of new artists and new product, secondary market radio is often a more hospitable environment for these artist’s careers to take root. Our goal is to fully introduce an artist to a market through secured airplay, as well as facilitating radio investment in an artist’s career via telephone interviews, product give-aways, and tour date support. We strive to facilitate a partnership between radio and our artists.


For over twenty-five years, Marco Promotions has established steady and ever-growing relationships with secondary radio, key primary programmers, syndicators, consultants, satellite radio and streaming platforms. 

Services we provide:

  • Radio promotion to Music Row and Billboard Indicator stations
  • Project management
  • Album street week awareness campaigns
  • Radio tour coordination
  • Contest development
  • Creation and distribution of marketing materials to radio stations
  • PlayMPE distribution
  • Streaming Marketing

Club Promotion Services

Marco Club Connection is a specialized dance club marketing company. We put your music in the hands of DJs, dance instructors, and venue owners in over 250 clubs nationwide for fully customized, 9, 12 or 15-week marketing campaigns. What that amounts to is nearly 2.5 million impressions over the course of the campaign.


Offering marketing blitzes, online and on-site promotions, e-mail campaigns, and access to the dance community, Marco Club Connection provides the fastest way to get your single in the hands of DJs, dance instructors, and venue owners across the country.


The relationships our team has and continues to establish are what make the service so valuable. The team continuously communicates with the outlets to garner specific feedback for each client.


There are many examples where dance clubs have significantly helped to jump-start the career of an artist. Remixes and specialty tracks can lead to unique sponsorships and grassroots buzz that is invaluable for an emerging artist. And, once an artist has success in the clubs, patrons and instructors are always eager to create customized line dances for the next single.

Services we provide:

Our flexible Promotion and Marketing Packages include but are not limited to:

  • Marketing material distribution and promotion to clubs in the top 100 DMA Markets, top 100 Country Sound Scan Markets, and Texas markets
  • Marketing material distribution and promotion to clubs surrounding Music Row, and Billboard Indicator radio stations
  • Album Street Date Promotions
  • Single Introductory Promotions and email campaigns
  • Album/artist awareness pages, banner ads, and co-op marketing opportunities through Marco Club
  • Full-service radio and club song promotion 


Our services include one-on-one communication with our participating clubs to ensure quality promotions and accurate feedback. Through questionnaires, email and phone solicitation, Sound Scan research, and chart research, Club Connection can provide detailed progress and tracking reports to keep our clients up-to-date on the events surrounding their projects.


With an ever-growing database of over 250 venues and world-renowned dance instructors nationwide, Club Connection has the ability to reach over 200,000 club patrons per weekend. In our extensive 12-week marketing blitzes, we directly market music to over 2 million clubgoers. With four levels of club promotion ranging from product distribution to full-fledged marketing and promotion campaigns, Club Connection has the resources to meet your needs.